GoGet Blog
Young drivers get going with GoGet | P Plate and Learner Car Rental
Today’s young driver and GoGet are a perfect match! GoGet can make you life a lot easier and save you a whack of cash. Let's find out how… Car rental for P Platers and Learners
5 Reasons Why Students Should Car Share
Car share is way cheaper than owning a car, as well as more convenient and sustainable. Here are the 5 reasons why student car share makes sense.
QLD P Plate Restrictions: The P plate rules for Queensland
Australian P plate rules and what provisional drivers are allowed to do, vary state by state. Here’s the GoGet guide to Queensland P plate restrictions.
NSW P Plate Restrictions: The P plate rules for New South Wales
P plate rules - what provisional drivers are and aren't allowed to do - vary from state to state. Here are all the P plate restrictions for NSW, and the P plate rules for using GoGet in NSW.
How To Save Money As A Student | Saving Money
It's hard to save money as a student. School is expensive, and you can't work full time. Here are a few simple ways that students can manage their money, and a list of tools that can help.
Millennial Car Sales Are Declining – But Who Is To Blame?
Millennials cop the blame for plenty of things that go wrong in society and the recent decline in car sales has just been added to that list.
How To Save & Eat Your Avocado Toast!
Wondering how to save money in 2019? The good news, you can most definitely have your avocado toast and eat it too by following the big wins approach.
How To Travel On A Student Budget
Taking holidays as a student can be tough with a stringent budget, but not impossibe. Here are our top tips to travel on a student budget!