Mosman Council Carshare Surcharge

We want to let you know about important changes being made to our service in your community that will see a Mosman Council Surcharge added to dedicated bays in the Mosman area.

Mosman Council has the highest fees for carshare spaces at $986 annually, which significantly increases the costs of providing carshare in the area.

As such we will have to implement a Mosman Council Surcharge on established dedicated bays of $0.75 per hour capped at $4.5 per day. This is intended to recover the cost this annual fee.

We think this significant increase in fees treats Mosman residents and businesses who use carshare unfairly. Carshare has been shown to reduce congestion, decrease emissions and free up local parking, yet private cars, which do not have these benefits, are only charged between $20 to $150 in fees by Council.

Carshare is a vital tool in the fight to reduce CO2 emissions and each carshare vehicle takes 10 privately owned vehicles off the road. We encourage councils not to disincentivise the uptake of carsharing within their LGA by applying additional charges for carshare bays that don’t apply to private vehicles parking on-street

If you would like tell your Councillors how this will impact you. You can click on the button below to email your Councillors directly.

This will only be applicable to dedicated bays provided by Mosman Council over 2 years of age and not applied to floating locations.

We understand the impact this charge will have on you, our members, and if you wish to, please contact your councillors directly and inform them of what carshare means for you and your family and your concern about this charge. We are hoping your voice and ours will help them to reconsider these costs and ensure Mosman supports sustainable transport options into the future.

We want to be clear that the implementation of this surcharge is not meant to generate additional revenue, but has been calculated to recover the cost of these price changes.