From $10.90/hr + $0.48/km
$99/day inc. 100km

$0 a month

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3 drivers allowed. Add your partner and a friend.

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No commitment. Leave any time.

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The best deal if you’re a Senior card holder

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Discounted membership for Seniors Card Holders

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No joining fees or ongoing membership fees

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Minimum total cost $0
+ $1 pre-authorisation on sign-up

GoGet Rates - GoSenior Plan

GoGet Small Hatchback
Small Hatchback
$10.90/hr + $0.48/km
$99/day inc. 100km
GoGet Medium Hatchback
Medium Hatchback
$11.80/hr + $0.48/km
$109/day inc. 100km
GoGet Van
$15.10/hr + $0.48/km
$123/day inc. 100km
GoGet Van
Medium Van
$15.10/hr + $0.48/km
$118/day inc. 100km
GoGet Van
People Mover
$18.40/hr + $0.48/km
$167/day inc. 100km

“Low price, value for money, and one of the few places that will acknowledge a senior’s card.”

— Colleen Crisp – Brisbane


“As a senior citizen with limited mobility, it’s very convenient to book a GoGet, which is 1 minute walk from my apartment, to do my weekly shop. Customer service is always efficient, and payment I make by direct debit which is very convenient. There are 6 GoGets within walking distance, so if my usual car is booked there’s always another close. I’m a great fan of GoGet as it means I don’t need to own a car. Thank you GoGet.”

— Dave – Product Review


GoGet gives you access to a car when you need one, without the costs and hassles of owning a car. We have vehicles parked in neighbourhood streets, shopping centres and other central locations, which you can book by the hour or by the day. If you have a Seniors Card, you can join GoGet on a membership fee free plan. See if there are GoGet cars near you by searching our network map, and join today to start driving.

Usage Rates




Small Hatch

$10.90/hour + $0.48/km $99/day inc. 100kms

Medium Hatch

$11.80/hour + $0.48/km $109/day inc. 100kms


$15.10/hour + $0.48/km $123/day inc. 100kms


$17.00/hour + $0.48/km $133/day inc. 100kms

People Mover

$18.40/hour + $0.48/km $167/day inc. 100kms

Compact Van & Ute

$13.60/hour + $0.48/km $106/day inc. 100kms

Medium Van

$15.10/hour + $0.48/km $118/day inc. 100kms

Large Diesel Van

$16.00/hour + $0.48/km $124/day inc. 100kms


$18.10/hour + $0.48/km $156/day inc. 100kms

The fine print:

  • Insurance is included, but you can reduce your damage liability of $3000-$5000 by paying $1.90 per hour extra, up to $19.90 per day. Find out more here

  • When you join GoGet, a pre-authorisation charge of $1 is taken to ensure that the payment card is valid. This is a temporary pre-authorisation and the release of funds can take up to 4 weeks.

  • Inconsiderate carshare etiquette may attract other fees and charges.

  • Some pods incur a location surcharge. This is listed when you choose a car and before you make a booking.